Hey self-lovelies. Today’s letter format is going to be a little different. This past week has been a bit rough for me mentally and physically which in turn has directly affected my motivation. So that’s what we’ll be talking about today. This letter will be a little shorter, but there will be parts where you can interact with me and other readers. So please participate! We’ll begin with this: what are some ways you dig yourself out of a “motivation funk”? You can either answer in the comments below or on the blogs Instagram @wlovenoelle. Be sure to follow the new blog page so you don’t miss out on any content!
The first thing I try to do when I realize I’m lacking motivation is to figure out why and where it started. This is another part of self-reflection sis. Lately, honestly, I’ve been having the worst writer's block. I’ve experienced this plenty of times before, but this time it hurt my feelings a little bit because I had no idea what letter I was going to put out this week, and if there’d be one at all. Luckily, I got myself together real quick. Don’t get me wrong though, I was up all night, tossing and turning trying to figure out what content to put out and by the time morning came, I STILL had no idea what to write. My problem was, even though I have a list of 100 topics to write, none of them were appealing. Then it became clear to me: how I’ve been feeling is a topic in itself. Have you ever felt unmotivated? I just know I’m not the only one. Let me know on here or Instagram.
Another thing I try to do when I feel like this is to journal. Girl… as a “writer” this makes a lot of sense to me because then at least I can say I wrote SOMETHING. But what happens when A. your craft isn’t writing and B. You’re past being unmotivated, you’re just creatively blocked? Regardless of what your craft is, do SOMETHING in it. It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist and what you just created looks a mess. More than likely, no one is going to see it. The point is to keep pushing through the “block”. Constantly creating puts your mind in a routine so that you’re constantly productive. Truly that’s the goal. To keep creating through it. We have to learn to keep going. Don’t let being blocked ultimately become the reason you STOPPED. Because let me tell you, just writing this, I’m second-guessing even putting it out because I personally don’t feel like this is good content because of how I FEEL. That’s another thing. Push past your negative feelings boo. They’re there to help you stay disciplined and focused, but if you’re not strong enough to push through them, you need to sit and do some mindset changing. Negative feelings are not supposed to make you quit. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger so constantly keep that in mind. Learning how to be productive through negative feelings is one of the many lessons I’m learning currently. Have you experienced this life lesson? If so, what did you learn? Help a few sistas out and comment below or on Instagram.
I definitely said this wasn’t going to be long… Please forgive me. But anywho… The next thing I do is a “self-check-in”. These are so important my good sis so listen carefully. (Why do I say listen when I’m writing and y’all are reading?) Self-check ins are times where you check in with yourself. Seriously. I started to type “oftentimes” But girl, all the times we lose ourselves in everyday life, I’ve written about this in Letter #3. We get so preoccupied with work, kids, home, people, obligations and responsibilities that we forget to check to see how we’re doing. This week I had to sit myself down and ask myself, ”HOW ARE YOU?” Because I had been so consumed with answering my phone every time it rang and texting back every time a message pops up, along with staying current on the blog and every other thing I was doing this week and I found myself so drained and tired and I was trying to figure out why. When we don’t consistently take care of ourselves mentally and physically, for one: it shows, and two: you know. Stop ignoring yourself. Take some time to get you back in balance. What are some things you like to do during your “self-check-in”? Are you checking in with yourself? I tend to take a break. A break from social media, from being social altogether, sis I mean a break from any and everything to any and everyone. Now, I don’t have kids so this is easier for me to do, but it isn’t impossible when you have kids. As a matter of fact, it’s more important when you DO have kids. Can’t be the best mom ever if every little thing is sucking the life out of you. You matter. (word to Demetrius Harmon). Before you can give yourself to ANYTHING you must first be well.
Okay so as previously stated this was a little chat so don’t leave me hangin please! Answer a few of the questions and maybe your answers will help you out, or someone else’s answers may help you. This is where we’ll be ending for today! I promise I’m going to get it together but I believe we need to discuss these things because I just KNOW I’m not the only one who’s felt like this before. But let’s just do our best to keep pushing forward and fight through all negativity. Thanks so much for reading!
W. Love,