Hey, self-lovelies! Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like it’s been so long since we’ve spoken. Happy December! The beginning of a new month is always so inspiring to me because it’s the start of something new *sings in high school musical*. New months bring new opportunities, new blessings, new people, new inspiration, motivation, etc! The list goes on. I’m especially excited about this month because as we know, it’s the last month of this DECADE. Just thinking about that can be terrifyingly exciting.
Lately, my mind has been racing, literally, with all different kinds of ideas for which direction I want to take The Self-Love Blog. It’s been…a…lot. Especially since W. Love, Noelle just turned one month this last Sunday! There’s so much I want to do, and so many things I have planned for 2020. As terrified as I thought I’d be, I’m really not. I’m ecstatic about it all! And here’s why: all the ideas I have and all this motivation I have, I know I can follow through with them because *drum roll* I STARTED. Let me explain. Before officially launching W. Love, Noelle I had tons of ideas, always. I’m a creator so I’ve always been like this. But I’ve also always held myself back because I never thought I could do it. I constantly discouraged myself by simply thinking that I wasn’t good enough. So (surprise!) That’s what today's letter is about! Just…BE…GIN… You will never ever know if you can do something if you don’t at least start.
Now, this doesn’t only apply to creators or entrepreneurs, this applies to ANYTHING you want to do with your life. We’re all here for a purpose. Unfortunately, it took me way too long to really believe what my purpose was. But we’re here now! And THAT’S what matters. If you’ve read my story, you’ll know that W. Love, Noelle originally started as “Love, Noelle” on YouTube. I pretty much had the same theme, just in video form, which was GREAT! Until I started telling myself all the reasons why I couldn’t continue. Y’all, I only had THREE videos, yet I was convinced it was a failed project so I just STOPPED altogether. I cheated myself and tons of other people that needed my content. So sit yourself down, and ask yourself, “What are some dreams or visions that I’ve had that I pushed to the side because I, or other people, discouraged me?” I just recently had to ask myself this and for me, it was a huge confidence booster simply because of my followup questions: “Well why CAN’T I? What’s stopping me? If everyone else in the world can go chase after their dreams, why in the world can’t I?!” Sis…. Let me tell you… Whew. Okay, that was a reality check for me. A real serious one because I know I’m special, and I have gifts to offer to the world, so why aren’t I doing it?! There comes a point in time where we have to stop listening to the lies we’ve been telling ourselves for years. For example, transparent time, my biggest fear with creating this beautiful blog was that NO ONE would read it. I was so terrified of the fact that I would sit down for hours and create content for NOTHING. But then it just clicked like a lightbulb. One: If no one else reads it, my mama will. Two: Because I’m confident in knowing I have gifts, SOMEONE is going to need what I have to say. And Three: EVEN if they don’t, this is for me. It’s a genuine outlet and I thoroughly enjoy it. Not to mention the fact that I’ve wanted to do this for YEARS. So why not? And trust me, I know there are many “why nots” but take some time to figure out your “why”.
Let’s talk about that. What is your why? This is a concept I learned from selling skincare through Mary Kay: when you can see every reason why not, remember your why. Your why is simply the reason why you’re doing something. When I find myself getting discouraged or ready to just give up on everything I’ve done, I remember all the people that have read my blog, all the people that faithfully tune in (I THANK AND LOVE Y’ALL SO MUCH) every week to see what new letter I post. Y’all are part one of my why because y’all take time out every week for little old me so how would I look just giving up on y’all? Not happening. Part two of my why is I refuse to give up on myself. Regrettably, I’ve done that way too many times to count so believe me, honey, it ain’t happening again! Discovering your why is such a great experience in my opinion because it often changes for the better! In other words, you gain more positive “why’s” then the negative “why not’s”. But you can’t even discover your why if you never start sis.
Another thing you need to stop doing is procrastinating.
“Hello, My Name Is Noelle and I’m the Queen of Procrastination.”
“ Hi Noelle, Queen of Procrastination.”
Now that we’ve had our procrastinators anonymous session, let’s discuss it. My whole life is procrastination. I don’t know how, but it happens and I KNOW when it’s happening. For example, 90% of my letters are probably written Thursday night between 6 and 12 p.m. That. Is. Terrible. But I’m just being honest. As previously stated, my old YouTube channel, was one big procrastination. I created it at age 19-20, I wanted to do it since age 17. GIRL! 2-3 YEARS! Unacceptable. Procrastinating our dreams puts us in positions where we miss opportunities. We cheat ourselves! STOP CHEATING YOURSELF! Give yourself more! You have NO idea where just taking the first steps to turning your dreams into reality can take you. I think a lot of times our procrastinations come from self-doubt. Sis, read me loud and clear okay? STOP. DOUBTING. YOUR.SELF. You are amazing and so are your dreams! You’re here on this great big earth for a PURPOSE! God created you in His image. If He’s for you, who can be against you? No one. That’s who.
With this decade coming to a close, I challenge you to take the first steps into fulfilling your dreams. WHATEVER they may be. I challenge you to stop doubting yourself and put yourself in check so that you can do what you’re supposed to be doing. 2020 is coming quick and sis, let me tell you. It is our year. We just have to put the work in.
NOW! Remember those millions of ideas I was rambling on about before? Well, baby get ready. W. Love, Noelle is about to be rebranding on social media, creating more content, being more interactive, and just doing so much more! I hope you’re ready for all of this! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your coworkers. It’s about to get crazy, but in a good way! Thanks so much for reading self-lovelies! Have a great weekend and remember: Just. BEGIN!