A lot of times throughout life we get so consumed in our daily routines that we honestly let ourselves go. Before we know it, we’re chin-deep in stress from our everyday responsibilities. We just forget that we too need the love, care, and attention that we’ve been giving to everyone and everything else. This week's letter is all about physical self-love. Why we need it, how often, and the importance of loving yourself physically.
If you’ve been following or participating in my November Self-Love Challenges, this week's challenge was a two-parter. The first part was to take a day or two out of the week and have some “me” time by doing something nice for yourself. The second part was to write a love letter to yourself. But before I dive right into the challenge(s), let’s first talk about why physical self-love is important. The self-love journey is composed of a lot of things, forgiveness, self-reflection, etc. But in my opinion, the two most prevalent factors throughout the journey are mental and physical self-love. These two aspects are kind of what helps you BEGIN your journey. In today’s society, physical self-love has become somewhat of a trend, which is perfectly fine, self-love SHOULD be trendy. But I think a lot of times people are ONLY focusing on the physical aspect and not the mental part as well. Don’t get me wrong though, physical self-love is just as important as any other element in your journey. This is why this week's challenge was a two-parter.
Okay, we need to discuss this thing called Me Time and its importance. Me time is so important! I cannot express this enough! Eventually, I’ll be doing a letter on boundaries but for right now I'll keep it brief. Me time is a way to create and execute your boundaries. It gives you a reason to spend time with yourself. You can use Me time to self-reflect, to think, or to do nothing for once. Me time allows you to become one with yourself, by simply learning yourself and listening to yourself, you’ll then be able to identify more often when you need some Me time. How often should I take time out for myself? Whew, I’m glad you asked. Everyday. I’m well aware that everyone has responsibilities and jobs and kids etc., but how can you go through handling all of life’s obligations if you don’t first take care of yourself? You can’t. If you think you can go through life without ever taking some time out for yourself you’re sadly mistaken. That job that you love more than yourself will gladly replace you in a heartbeat if you fell ill. So please, take care of yourself. Love yourself. Go take that warm bath with candles. Have that piece of cake. Go get your hair cut. Go get your nails done. Go do SOMETHING nice for yourself. You’re worth it and you matter, moreover you deserve it. Everyone deserves time to themselves and some good, genuine self-love.
Along with Me time, writing/journaling truly goes a long way. Writing, in my opinion, is a very therapeutic way to clear your head and organize your thoughts. Lately, well I’ll be honest, I’ve been seriously slacking, BUT lately, I’ve been doing something called Bullet Journaling. My grandmother introduced me to this awesome concept. I won’t go too much into it, but you can find info on Bullet Journaling on Instagram, Pinterest, and Youtube, or just Google it. I like to call it dotting because its a cute little name. But anywho, dotting is a mix between a journal, a planner, and a notebook. I’ve always kept a journal and I highly recommend it to everyone. Keep a journal! You can always look back and see where you were years down the line. Not to mention, journaling allows you to vent through all of your emotions and the events happening in your life. The love letter to yourself is a display of self-appreciation in the form of writing, that is why I did a two-part challenge for this week. It ties physical and mental self-love together. While writing your love letter, you want to point out accomplishments, good feelings, goals, basically ask yourself, “Why do I love Me?” And “What do I love about Me?”. As I’ve said before, sometimes, we have to talk to ourselves, and what better way to talk to yourself than through a love letter? Although it’s mainly a form of mental self-love, the love letter is also a form of physical self-love because whenever you’re feeling down, you can refer back to the letter. This is beneficial and effective because the words in the letter aren’t some affirmation you found on Pinterest or a nice positivity post you saw on Facebook, It’s literal words from you. Words you mean and feel. I recommend writing yourself a love letter often, every other month or so. Get into a habit of it so that you can be the one building yourself up through your own words. You won’t need anyone or anything else to pick you up because you’ve already done it yourself.
For once, I don’t believe I have anything else to say. If you learn anything about me through this blog, it is unusual for me to be short on words (I get it from my father). But thanks so much for reading and don’t ever forget about YOU. You will always be the most important thing in your life. You are uniquely you and you deserve the love you’ve given to everyone and everything else. Sometimes you need to just let your hair down. So do IT!
W. Love,